
  • Journal of Architecture and Human Experience

    The ARCHIMANE Journal of Architecture and Human Experience is a scholarly publication dedicated to disseminating research findings and scientific concepts in the field of architecture and the human-made environment through articles based on rigorous research. Our journal accepts various types of contributions, including research articles, conceptual ideas, reviews of research processes, critiques of new books, writings about architects and their perspectives, and other scientific works related to architectural phenomena. We welcome articles in two languages, Indonesian and English, with a preference for Indonesian. Our language editing team is available to assist with translation and proofreading of articles as needed.

  • Journal of Green Complex Engineering

    Greenplex Research Journal of Green Complex Engineering adalah jurnal akademik yang berfokus pada penelitian dan publikasi di bidang rekayasa kompleks hijau. Jurnal ini menekankan pada perkembangan dan aplikasi solusi teknis yang berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan dalam desain, konstruksi, dan pengelolaan kompleks bangunan.

    Greenplex Research Journal of Green Complex Engineering bertujuan untuk menyediakan wadah bagi para peneliti, ilmuwan, akademisi, praktisi, dan profesional di bidang rekayasa kompleks hijau untuk berbagi pengetahuan, temuan, dan inovasi terbaru. Jurnal ini mempromosikan pertukaran informasi yang luas dan kolaborasi diantara para ahli yang tertarik dalam menciptakan bangunan dan infrastruktur yang lebih ramah lingkungan.

  • Local Engineering

    Local Engineering Journal of Local Architecture and Civil Engineering (LEJLACE) is an online periodical journal of science that is published twice a year, in June and December by the Cv. Gio Architect. Local Engineering Journal of Architecture and Civil Engineering (LEJLACE) is a media to publish the results of scientific research students, academics, practitioners, and observers in the field of architecture and civil engineering. LEJLACE is published two periods a year in June and December.