Potensi Kerawanan Kenaikan Permukaan Air Laut di Kawasan Pesisir Kecamatan Paju’kukang Kabupaten Bantaeng
Kawasan Pesisir, Lahan, Kenaikan Permukaan Air Laut, Kerawanan, BencanaAbstract
Coastal areas are the transition between land and water. Coastal areas have potential and attractiveness in planning and development. The coastal area of Paju'kukang Subdistrict has considerable potential in the development of the area both in the fields of tourism, industry, ports and settlements. Land utilisation in the Paju'kukang area should ideally pay attention to the balance of land potential so that no significant disasters occur, one of which is Sea Level Rise. The purpose of this research is to identify the physical characteristics and potential of the Coastal Area of Paju'kukang Subdistrict, Makassar City and to analyse the level of vulnerability of the Coastal Area to Sea Level Rise in Paju'kukang Subdistrict, Bantaeng Regency. The type of research used is mix methods by conducting qualitative research and followed by quantitative research. The analytical tools used were descriptive analysis and spatial analysis through a mapping approach. The results obtained from this study are areas with moderate vulnerability of 60.3%, areas with high vulnerability of 25.5% and coastal areas that have low vulnerability potential of 14.1%.